Summer Registration
For Summer 2025 academic start and end dates, visit the Academic Calendar page.
For Summer 2025 registration dates, visit the Summer Registration Calendar page.
- Boston College undergraduates can not audit summer school courses.
- Students do not need to submit a Course Preapproval Form when registering for courses in the BC Summer School.
- Seniors completing degree requirements in the summer term must submit the Course Pre-Approval Form (on the Academic Forms page) and submit that via email to These students will need to be activated for summer before they can register. Once activated, the student will be able to self-add and drop according to the term add and drop dates.
- All summer grades will be calculated into the GPA.
- All credits from courses with passing grades will be counted in the total credits required for graduation.
- Students may take no more than twelve credits in a single summer.
- Students whose tuition will be covered by a campus department, such as Learning Resources for Student Athletes or the Thea Bowman AHANA and Intercultural Center, will need approval from their sponsoring department. Approval will be sent to the Office of Student Services. Students should refer to their sponsoring department about how best to submit their registration requests.
- Students must submit a Course Substitution Form if they want to request approval for a course to fulfill major or minor requirements.
Summer courses taken at another university—local, national, or international—must be pre-approved by the Academic Dean using the Course Pre-Approval Form on the Academic Forms page. Students will also need departmental approval if they want the summer course to fulfill a Core, language, major, or minor requirement. These summer courses may count for academic degree credit and grades will factor into the GPA if students have credit deficiencies. Students will receive enrichment credit if there is no prior credit deficiency. Enrichment credit means that the course may satisfy Core or major requirements with department permission, but will not count toward the 120 credits required for the degree. Courses, grades, and credits will be listed on the transcript but will not be calculated into the GPA. Boston College undergraduates cannot audit summer school courses.
Complete the following steps:
- Student accesses either the online or the editable PDF version of the Course Pre-Approval Form on the Academic Forms page.
- Students completing the online Course Pre-Approval Form simply submit and wait to hear regarding approval. Students filling out the editable PDF must forward to the appropriate department for approval if the course is to fulfill Core, major, or minor requirements. You must provide adequate documentation on the program and on the course(s) (such as catalog course descriptions, semester credit value, class schedule, and syllabi) to the department representative. Summer courses may be taken at any accredited four-year college or university in the United States.
- Students using the editable PDF, once they receive department approval, must then forward the form to their Dean's Office for final approval.
- All students must receive a grade of C- or better to receive academic credit.
- Upon completion of the course(s), please request an official transcript to be sent to the Office of Student Services.
Karen Livingston (
Boston College
Office of Student Services
Lyons Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3804
Jenna Burke (
Boston College
Office of Student Services
Lyons Hall
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467-3804
Eligible graduate students may register for the course they wish to audit on the University's information system. If you registered for a course as an audit, you will receive a 100% refund of tuition if you drop the audit by the first class day. After the first class day, you may not drop an audit.
There is no refund for students who change from credit to audit. To change a course from audit to credit or credit to audit, go to your Associate Dean’s office and complete a Graduate Course Exception form. CSTM students should contact Donna Derosa at 617-552-8440.
Eligible students may sign-up to take a course pass/fail through at the time they register. To declare a course pass/fail in the School of Social Work, contact Liz Cinquino at 617-552-4020. CSTM students should contact Donna Derosa at 617-552-8440. Students in CGSOM, CGSON, GSMCAS, Lynch Graduate Programs, and WCASGP may not take a course counting toward the degree pass/fail.
Summer Credit Variation
If you need to change the number of credits for a course, pick up a Credit Variation form from the Office of Student Services. Have the Associate Dean’s office sign the form and return it to Lyons Hall.
Tuition Refund Schedule
For information regarding tuition refunds, visit the Tuition and Fees page.